In the same place at the same time
The Douala International Business and Trade Fair
is an economic and event-based
event designed to offer the various players involved in all aspects of
of all types of commerce, a platform with an international dimension
international platform to offer the local market, ‘in the same place at the same time
the same place and at the same time’, the products and services of everyday
products and services on the local market, ‘in one place at one time’.
and consumer habits,
impartial judges of healthy competition and the competitiveness of companies and brands.
companies and brands.
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This expected influx of visitors justifies
the development of a Business
Fun hub around a unique infrastructure
in Cameroon, the Big Top
which can accommodate 1200 to
1500 seats, inside which
will offer a range of
stage performances,
in its immediate surroundings,
other fun attractions for all
the public. In the same place,
at the same time.
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